Dairy Services
We provide the following services:
- Herd fertility visits - pregnancy scanning, oestrus not observed cows, post calving checks and hormonal synchronisation programmes.
- Bull fertility testing - Full examination of breeding bulls including semen collection and analysis. Breeding advice with regard to artificial insemination.
- Embryo transfer- Transfer of embryos from genetically desirable cows to other recipients on your farm. This can help optimise the genetics of your herd at a faster rate.
- Dairy Data Analysis - Using Total Vet, herd data can be interpreted on farm. Full reports can be formulated that highlight cows requiring examination on fertility visits. It also detects changes in trends of diseases such as mastitis and lameness and herd fertility issues.
- Herd health planning- Discussing disease status and monitoring including analaysing herd data. Developing vaccination protocols.
- Lameness - Indivdual lame cows and whole herd mobility scoring/assessment
- Tb testing - Both whole herd testing and pre movement testing can be carried out.
- Mastitis prevention and control - General advice on mastitis as a problem in your herd. Using the Dairy Co mastitis control plan to help reduce mastitis.
- Diagnostics - Blood sampling, worm egg counts and bulk milk samples. CHECS accreditation shemes for diseases such as BVD, Lepto, IBR, Johnes and TB
- Emergency Slaughter - In the unfortunate event of sudden trauma, on farm slaughter can be arranged. This should be discussed with both a vet and an abbatoir who are willing to accept the animal. An ante mortem inspection and certificate will be required.
- On farm Training - Helping with numerours on farm skills such as drying off procedure, pump administration of oral fluids, injections and milk sampling.